A special thanks to all of my friends and family who have told me how much they looove my blog and how funny they think it is, this has given me a little confidence boost and has encouraged me to keep blogging (as if I would stop anyway). So sorry to all of those out there that aren't enjoying it as much, there is no end in sight.
Ok, now to today's drama. My blog should be named "The Adventures of Jessi Kelly, young woman lost in a huge city". The other JK sent me on a mission today, to get Pennsylvania license plates...eek! Well anything that has to do with the city is always somewhat of a hassle, so I was kind of prepared. Ok, so here I am, showered and ready (trying to look like I'm an adult and not a 16 year old) and I'm off to get our car inspected! Then I get there and I don't have the correct "blah blah blah" so I had to go to AAA and then I needed something else so I went to another service station and got some number or something approved, then promptly reported back to AAA (the woman working there had eased off the meanness since 10 minutes before when I was dealing with her) and then I don't have some other paperwork (which I'm assuming is jumbled up somewhere in our house)! How frustrating, I had been to two service stations, and to AAA twice and all the while I was squinting at every unreadable street sign to figure out where to turn next, while cruising around in the "not so great neighborhood". After my final AAA visit I decided I was done with all of that crap and I'm going to do my other errands (that are close to our home). Well, either mapquest had failed me or I missed a street or something but I ended up somewhere in Pittsburgh that I had never been before. For those of you who have never been in a car with me when I'm lost, I get a little frustrated, and by little I mean a lot. I get very anxious and nervous and every time I turn a corner I act like the road is about to drop off a cliff or something. So I was a pretty sight driving around the burgh today. My face is all squenched (yes, its a word) up and my eyes are narrowed from trying to focus on road signs/praying for God to let me recognize a road/in between prayers saying a few choice words at the roads/wondering why the heck did JK trust me to do this?! So I keep turning and driving on roads that just "feel right". That's what I always do when I'm lost, I go on one that just feels right to me. All this time my stomach is knawing at my insides wanting to be fed because somehow a bowl of Cheerios didn't hold over for longer than 4 hours. God bless the instructional road signs in the burgh, they tell you to go straight or turn to get to certain neighborhoods. And FINALLY I see a Beechwood Blvd. sign (the road we live on) and maybe I blew a kiss to the sign while I was at the intersection (don't judge me). I was so relieved! Well for you non-Pittsburghians, Beechwood is a long windy-turny road that goes on for miles, it can be tricky but I figured that as long as I stayed on it I was in good shape. And then I got into familiar territory, praise God! Seiously, I did a little prayer shout out to Him and thanked Him. Well I found my shopping center and finished my errands and here I am back at home, ready to work on trim! Wahoo! I'm just happy not to be lost :)
Finally some Bon Jovi up in this
Ohh ohh, you're half way there! Glad you made it back and in one piece too. I think you'll fit in the Kelly family just fine. P has a talent for getting majorly frustrated when lost.
Going into the big city without a GPS "rookie mistake". Glad you survived!!
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