I went to Michael's today because we need a teeny tiny paintbrush to fill in some places that were left out on the walls...and the candles were $3. Candles are one of my obsessions and I just can't say no to a fall smelling candle that is $3, who could? Anyway so I used to kind of judge the shoppers at Michael's..."oh my gosh, look at those crafty people being all crafty and getting all their crafty stuff blah blah blah". Well I admitted to myself today that I was just jealous because "those people" can probably put together some really awesome creations, and I am not capable of such a thing. See I was born without an ounce of artistic ability in my blood. My sister seems to have stolen all of the creative genes that my mother was passing down and she didn't give me a chance to get even a little bit!
Well of course I was then drawn to the Christmas section, duh, I LOVE Christmas! See, I'm what you would call a "Christmas Crazy". My sister is one as well and we were just discussing this topic yesterday. Us Christmas Crazies are a rare breed (we'll call them CCs from now on). We have been brought up by other CCs (even though they don't own up to it now...Mom). We love all things Christmas...decorations, cookies, traditional Christmas foods, smells, underwear, tacky shirts, everything. Yes, we wear Christmas underwear all year round, and socks too, for that matter. Katie was being bullied by Mom the other day for wearing Christmas underwear when its not Christmas time...my response to this: You wouldn't buy them for us, lady, if you didn't want us to wear them all the time. AND on top of that Mom knows of our disease/blessing that is being a CC, so she is well aware of the wearing of Christmas apparel throughout the year, for years she has poked fun of my wearing of Christmas socks in October or February. Its ok Mom, I forgive you and yes I will be buying you some Christmas socks this year so that you can share in the fun.
Ok back to Michael's...I was drawn to the Christmas section...and my heart melted at all of the Christmas crafts that there were. I mean you can paint ornaments, or paint little wooden reindeer, they even had signs you could paint and hang up that said "Joy, peace, and happiness"...and even a foam manger you could put together! Ahh! (Ok, ok, I know this stuff has existed forever but please note that I never stepped into a Michael's willingly until it was wedding time--yes it is a wedding warehouse in there) So as I dreamily walk up and down the Christmas aisles (there are only 2) I think of how I can make all of these beautiful, ingenius crafts this year. Then I am reminded that again, no artistic ability...we'll see where this leads us. We could either be investing in major Christmas decorations that will eventually look like crap or I will realize before we invest money that I will not be able to create something as beautiful as one of the previous Michael's shoppers that I judged.
But to end this post, my heart is still very happy with the thought of: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Wahoo! And I'm giving a special shout out to all of my fellow CCs...Merry Christmas!! (in a couple of months)
Alfred Dunner would be proud! I have Christmas socks, thank you! And I buy 3 pairs of matching PJs every year for my Christmas gal pals.....I sense someone calling me a closet CC?
I hear ya sista. I myself am a CC. Must be the Ensley side of the family.
1. i can't believe you are just now discovering Michael's...i go there almost every week!
2. yayyy christmas!!!
Okay, I'm the original "CC" or has everyone forgotten the mountain trip?! I do believe that was the name I was given by the group! Tell 'em it's true, D-lucious!
Yes it is true!
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