Hey everyone today is my mom's 50th birthday! 50 years young, right Mom? She is quite a wonderful woman and I love her so much! In honor of her birthday I will list 10 great qualities about her, and awayyyy we go:
1. She is very giving to everyone (the needy, loved ones, etc.), she would give you the bracelet off of her arm if you wanted it.
2. She can whip up a flower arrangement in minutes (displayed at my wedding and both of my cuzzies' weddings).
3. She has balanced being a working mom so well throughout mine and Katie's lives.
4. She will listen and talk for hours (John can attest to this...he walked in on many talks throughout Christmas time).
5. She gives great advice, I've always sought her advice...since I was in first grade and even to this day and she always seems to know how to handle the situation.
6. She has provided me with many things throughout my life but most importantly she's taught me good character, morals, responsibility, how to really love someone, humility and helped me to mature.
7. She is an incredible shopper! I mean I tell this lady one thing I just so happen to be looking for and what do ya know, 3 days later she's found it and is shipping it to me!
8. When I'm home she will stay up with me as late as I stay up even if she has to wake up at 6:30 and go to work the next day (sanks Mom!).
9. She is absolutely beautiful, always has been, always will be! I'm banking on inheriting those "staying gorgeous as you age" genes from her (please God!).
10. She has tremendous faith. I've learned many lessons from her like how to trust God in any situation and to always be thankful for what you have no matter how much or how little it is.
Mom, you're awesome! I love you so much and I'm proud to call you my Marmey!!!!!!!
Wow. Hard to believe one person can be all of that! I feel pretty special, not 50, but special. You made my day, along with so many others who have shared their love on my big B/day! I Love you!!!
Agreed! Love my Aunt D!
Awwe - Jessi tell your mom I said Happy Birthday!!!
I couldn't agree more! She's my fave!
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