Haha, I bet that caught some attention. Well the day has come and I have ended my love affair with my beloved Diet Mountain Dew. (side note: I've only loved DMD since college but before that I loved its painfully 'worse for you' sister--Mountain Dew for as long as I can remember) Since I was a kid, if I had a choice I would choose Mt.Dew. Its just so wonderful and delicious and I am convinced it is full of goodness from heaven (or tons of carbs, calories, and sugar...eh, you say tomato, I saw tomAto). Then there was a month of my life where I drank only water...I then craved any drink with flavor and turned to DMD....hallelujah, thank you Lord!!! (seriously) Well, I'm sure there have been very few days since that glorious day that I've gone without a DMD for a day. I had my limits...one per day and I stuck to it for the most part. Some of you may even know that John's marriage proposal to me involved a vintage, glass DMD bottle (man, I DO love him!). So yes, I am...was obsessed. And for my loyal readers you will know that I said awhile ago that I was giving up my sweet soda goodness for a stupid new year's resolution. Well, I am proud to announce that I have been DMD free since January 1! And the saddest thing to me is that it crept up on me and I didn't even get to have a "final drink" with a can of DMD...I know it sounds dramatic, but I'm sad about it. Well I've been jonesin for a DMD and it ain't easy weaning yourself off of something so irresistable. For instance, today had some low points and I was CRAVING a DMD but I resisted, I thought that warranted applause but no one in my office seemed to notice...jerks. Anyway, be proud...but not too proud because I'm not making promises. I'm holding out for as long as humanly possible.
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