Sunday, December 12, 2010

girl, interrupted

I've been meaning to write a review on this book for a few days now. It's very interesting, especially if you're into psycho analysis and the ins and outs of mental illness, which I am. What? I was a Psych major, this kind of stuff thrills me. If you're not into it or don't want to read a swear word here or there then I don't suggest you read it. It is a very honest memoir in which Kaysen is sent to a mental hospital after her first and only visit with a new physician. I was astonished at this, but hey, I didn't live through the 60s so what do I know? I still think its crazy, even for the 60s. Anyway, enough of that...its a really good book and I do suggest it, let me know if you want to borrow it.

1 comment:

katie said...

bring this to christmas, I wish to borrow! i love stories like this