Sunday, February 7, 2010

snowpoc update

The snow is still here and it looks like its staying until like June. Here's the snowpocalypse '10 update:
  • The alley that we use to get to our home is a private road therefore we have to pay for it to be plowed. That all sounds good, whatever, until the snowplow guy decides that he only wants to plow half of it. Since we are on the farther half of the alley we were screwed...he pretty much stopped a few houses up from us. John and 5 neighbors had to get out and shovel the rest of the alley (quite a bit of snow). I felt bad for him because he was really sore from shoveling yesterday but there wasn't much choice. I offered to help shovel and he said "with what shovel?". Good point. We only have one and let's be honest John would be able to shovel 10 times faster than me anyways. At least I offered, right?
  • Now on to my we need food, surprise. I didn't want to be a crazy fool rushing to the grocery store Friday (when the snowpcalypse first started) nor did I want to Saturday. Well today we were in needs of some staple items (i.e. milk, orange juice, cheese, etc.) so I figured, what the heck we live a block away I can totally do this! So I showered (I looked like a hot mess so it was a must even though I knew everyone was going to look like scrubs), put on make up (gasp!) and bundled up. I'm feeling pretty confident, eco-friendly bags and wallet in tow...slowly walking down the front walk. I get to the last leg of Mt. Kilimanjaro (our front walkway) and slip and fall (just as a car is driving by)...awesome. Ok, no big, I dust off and keep walking across the disgusting slushy street. Well as I'm trying to cross the street and not get hit by an idiot who can't control a car I see the sidewalk...well what I thought was the sidewalk (everything runs together when there's 20-some inches of snow on the ground) and I take a big step onto the 'sidewalk'. Next thing I know I am waist deep in snow and another car just drove by. By the way, I have my House of Dereon jeans on and my Uggs. Not smart. Idiot. Now I am cursing the unkempt snow area and walking through more slush (gross). I gripe to an old man whose looking for a snowplow to come by and I smugly say "good luck" and keep trekking to the freakin grocery store. Once I'm in I have flashbacks from hurricanes that I have lived through. Everyone in a 20 miles radius apparently freaked out at the same time...there is next to no produce, no frozen pizzas (like I care), no yogurt (like I care, again) and basically everything else is picked over. Awesome. I'm a little pissed because by now I'm wet and there is little to chose from to eat. I also have to keep in mind the weight of each item because I will be carrying it all myself (because hubs is shoveling) back to the house. So about 30 minutes later I'm ready to check out and get away from these cabin fever freaks (ok, I might be included in that category but whatever). So now I have stuffed two bags full and have them on each shoulder praying that the straps don't break. I start to trek through the nasty tail parking lot (filled with dirty snow, slush and dumb, frantic drivers). Just imagine me with my hair (kind of) styled, make up, nice jeans, pink Uggs, two HUGE bags of groceries going through a nasty parking lot...I keep frowning and making ugly faces and I know I looked like a brat but I didn't care. So I get to the sidewalk to walk home (avoiding the way that I came to the grocery store) and while waiting to cross the street guess what happens...I fall in the freakin snow again! And oh yeah, there's a car stopped at the intersection (when he had a green light) watching me. Great. Idiot. Now I have a permanently pissed and disgusted look plastered on my face and I'm praying that I make it to my home without having to knock someone out. I walk down the sidewalk near our home (in my head blessing each neighbor that cleared the portion of sidewalk in front of their home and cursing each one that didn't) then I finally arrive at...could it be?!...Mt. Kilimanjaro! I walk carefully up the stairs asking God to have mercy on me and just let me make it into the house (it sounds dramatic but yes, this was really happening). As I finally reach the back porch I thank God for letting me make it up Mt. Kilimanjaro without falling and busting my tail in front of someone (again). I walk in the back door and unload the groceries. It took me about 45 minutes to calm down. All is good in the hood.


Cynthia said...

WOW!!! First of all, I can't believe you went down your front steps. I don't think I would attempt that in the dry, dead heat of August! Secondly, how were you to know the dress code for 20+ inches of snow? I bet you looked so cute! And thirdly, was there any alcohol at home...I know you can't buy it in the grocery stores there and sounds like your nerves could've used some help calming down!

Emily said...

I fully sympathize with the stepping into waist deep snow without realizing it! This used to happen to me all the time in Boone! You can't tell where the steps end and the little retaining walls begin!

I also like your list of staples. Those are mine too. If I don't have my orange juice and cheese, I'm very pissy.

delores lail said...

My poor child!!! I am sitting in Miami 68degrees on a balcony I would love to have you by my side. I guess you don't want to hear about Hertz car rental counter drama and me trying to find my hotel before dark? Yep...I did't think so! Hope you stay warm, Ithink more snow is coming based on tonight's news.