Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes volume 2

So I made a spur of the moment decision while Ginny was here. Its something that I've been wanting to do for a know a little if I haven't had enough in the past 3 months. So now I present to you...I'm a brunette!



From the back side:

The only thing is I can't help but to think what Truvy from Steel Magnolias would quote her "I can spot a box job from a mile away". Eek, hope I don't run into Dolly Parton.


Ginny said...

I think I miss the grease on the hair line. JK!!!! I love it!!!!! So even, did you get that professionally done?

delores lail said...

I am not getting that it looks burnette. Maybe a dirty blonde. I think it looks quite nice.

Heather said...

Yeah, I agree with your mom...dirty blonde. But I LOVE it. Beside Brunettes really have all the fun.

megan denis said...

ahhhhhhhhhh. i love it. now that your married you can go really short! just a few more months and you'll have the hair cut we all remember too well...