Tuesday, November 23, 2010

thankful 23

23. Today I'm thankful for the human body's ability to recover so quickly. I made jambalaya Sunday night and found out very quickly Monday morning that it does not agree with my stomach. Needless to say it was not pretty around here and there was a lot of laying on the couch with 3 blankets on (yes it was 65 degrees outside yesterday) and falling in and out of sleep. But today I am feeling in tip top shape! Thank goodness, because being sick does not boad well with me. Here's a cute mental picture: in the midst of hmmm...how do I say this nicely....throwing up....I looked at John and asked "why is this happening to me??" and he replied "you're sick" to which I promptly replied (insert sad, pathetic voice here) "but I don't wanna be" and I believe he just looked at me and asked if there was anything he could do because its not like anyone wishes sickness upon themselves. Anywho, point of the story is that the human body is awesome at recovering and for that I am thankful!

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