Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i feel old

Lately work has been SUPER crazy leaving me super tired. I like to think of myself as a calm, laid back person however when things get crazy for a long period of time (aka few months leading up to my wedding) I go into overload and get very overwhelmed. In the few months leading up to the wed when someone asked me a question, for example "what center pieces are you envisioning?" and "what song will the mothers walk down the aisle to?", I would have to close my eyes in order to concentrate hard enough to answer the question. Fast forward 10 months and now someone asks "did you get that registration that I turned in?" or "have you heard the details on that worker's comp claim?" and I'm back to having to close my eyes in order to concentrate in order to answer the question. My boss even walked in my office today and smirked, then said "yeah, you look like a really frustrated, burnt out HR assistant" and I simply laughed when really I was praying he would just send me home and tell me he would take care of everything. Haha, wishful thinking. Anyway, back to being old...I've come home everyday for the past couple of weeks feeling like I could just pass out and fall asleep as soon as I walk through the door. But then there is a dog to be walked, a husband who I haven't seen all day, a dinner to be made, dishes to be cleaned and clothes to be washed...and oh yeah before I realize it, it's already 11:00 and I need to get ready for the next day. Lovely! How did I go from being a carefree, fun-loving college student to an overwhelmed, burnt out HR assistant? And oh yeah, a big shout out to all of the working parents! I don't know how you do it but more power to ya! I'M OLD!


Emily said...

I know how you feel! That's why I can't imagine how much tougher (and more tiring) its gonna be when we have kids!

I forget the simplest stuff at work all the time. Makes me feel like an idiot.

Heather said...

Ohh dear, sweet Jessi...welcome to life! Now you know why we went to bed every night at 9:30. You laughed, but now you understand. And thanks for the shout out about working parents. It definitely gets ten times worse when you throw a kid in the mix. Although we don't have a dog, so you beat us there. Hang in there...you're doing great!

katie said...

sooo....i guess the honeymoon is over?