First up:

John Legend--Live from Philadelphia CD--3.5 out of 5 stars
Let's face it, the man is talented and has a smoooooth voice. He almost makes me want to fall in love with R&B all over again. And hello ladies he's handsome. However the downfall was that I do not like live music on cds. Its always been a pet peeve of mine, so I'm sure you're asking "Jessi, why did you buy a live cd if you don't like them?" and my answer is simply "it was half off after Thanksgiving, I've been jonesin for a John Legend cd so I was sucked in". I couldn't concentrate as much on his music as if it were a studio recorded cd. But I did like what I heard (besides the live part). I'm looking forward to listening to his new cd Evolver (hint hint Ginny).

Smitten by Janet Evanovich--2 out of 5 stars
I decided to buy a book on cd for the long ride home yesterday. I chose this book (used) because I've read Evanovich's stuff before and liked it and it was cheaper than other options (yes, they are still expensive used) why not? Well usually she writes about a lot of mystery and a little love this one was just the opposite (just my luck since I was with my cynical husband for 9.5 hours) and was a lot of love and little mystery. It was a cute story line but I wouldn't read it again. However, it passed the time and made the ride a lot easier. And the other JK had very little comments on the book suprisingly (especially since I gave him a death warning at the beginning of the ride "don't make fun of anything on this cd book").

Jack Johnson--Sleep Through The Static cd--6 out of 5 stars (yes, you read correctly)
Ok so what, I love Jack Johnson. I don't dislike any of his songs, they are all wonderful and for all of you rolling your eyes because you don't care for him...stop it...he's awesome. This is his latest cd released on my what if that was in Feb. and I just got it now (I'm a procrastinator...duh). Well I asked for it for Christmas and my lovely in-laws gave it to me, yes! We listened to it and its just as soothing and wonderful as the ones him! This man is really incredible he's probably one of my fave artists of all time, just because I can always go back and listen to him no matter what day, time of year, or what mood I'm in. Others may come and go but Jack stays forever. Seriously, its some songs or just go old school (as my techie hubby likes to say) and buy the whole cd.
And last:

Sue Monk Kidd--The Mermaid Chair--2.5 out of 5 stars
I'm not finished with the book yet but its taking forever...I think its because I keep putting it down, starting a new project or a new trip and forgetting about it then picking it back up. It's got a good story line and it has potential, plus I'm reading it because my cuzzie Em sent it to me (us bookworms have got to stick together). For what its worth, my interest is still peaked. I'll let you know what I think when I'm done.
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