Sunday, August 23, 2009


Sorry I've been M.I.A. for awhile. Guess what we've been doing? You guessed it...more home repairs! It seems like we've become addicted to renovating this 80 something house. We finished the bathroom last Saturday (I still need to do some minor touch ups on the paint) and on Sunday I decided I might as well knock out the kitchen while we were in "fixer up" mode. So I put 1.5 coats on and decided the shade of yellow that I picked out was so bright that it was an eye sore--literally, my eyes hurt after I looked at it too long. Monday night I went to Lowe's and picked out a more golden hue of yellow and now 3 coats later I'm finally done! So that's 4.5 coats total on our kitchen walls almost as much as our bedroom (5). Now I need to finish the trim (tomorrow night's job if I'm not too pooped from work) and voila I will be done! Yes, I have officially painted EVERY room in our house except the basement. And no, the basement will not be painted during our duration in Pittsburgh, I am sick of painting. However, we have a lovely home now in all of the colors that we want and it is very rewarding to sit and look around at all that we've done. Later this week I promise that I will post pics of the updates. Also, I will post pics from the beach (a month ago, wow!). My computer (John's old computer) pooped out on me and for the time being I'm using the laptop I had in college (which acts like a grouchy 85 year old slow and temperamental--sorry 85 year old ladies) but it does not agree with our camera and USB hook up so I'll have to wait a few days for that to be fixed (cough cough...John...). Anywho, I just wanted everyone to know that we're doing ok (I know you were all oh so worried), we're just busy with home stuff...soon to be done (praise the Lord!). See ya'll soon!


Cynthia said...

PTL! I was a little worried and if we hadn't texted a couple of times, I might would have had to come up there! Right. I'm glad you're doing okay and can't wait to see the new paint. I do love yellow kitchens! But I love you more!!!!!!!! Cis

katie said...

Yay for home repairs! I might start calling you Tim Taylor. Yays...I can't wait to see the new and improved Kelly Household!!!

and ps. thank you for posting, it was starting to make me mads! Sanksss! Loveyssssssss!!!!!!

Abby said...

Ditto Katie! I've missed your posts, but can't wait to see pitures! Loves!

Heather said...

Umm glad to see you are alive! Ohh and can you phuu-leeeaase come and help with our house too. There's so many cool things I want to do, but can't because school has started. ohh and we have no money. :) Glad you two are doing well.